Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A day in the sun: Christmas 2014

Santa called by the clubhouse, but we could not persuade him to swim.

Santa, and his helpers, were on hand to provide a Christmas feast.

And what a Christmas spread it was - thank you, Santa.

Tempting as it was, the food had to wait.  There is a house rule: no eating until the race program is over. So, we got on with the business of winning. 

Between swims - there were photographs.  Out came the small cameras ...

... and the Ipad.

At the same time, our race timers were bonding over their stop watches. 

Others were simply hanging about.

The official club seats, named after club members, waited under the gum tree for their owners to turn up.  Sadly, some did not. 

Then Kaitlin took over the camera, and she recorded some Christmas cheer.

Special effects in sunscreen (photo by Kaitlin)

An official race timer (photo by Kaitlin)

Other unofficial swimmers who share our pool (photo by Kaitlin)